The Times

Over the years, that damned ‘Nestorian Free Press’ has been hard at work, churning out edition after edition of Karandar’s propaganda in the guise of “feel good stories and facts”.

And those poor simpletons up north, they just lap it up, trusting every damned word they read!

Honestly, it’s disgusting in it’s effectiveness…

Verd, Shadowmaster of Cantos

The Nestorian Times? You’ve never heard of it?! Why, it’s one of the true great wonders of our mighty city!

A short form newspaper, coming in 2-5 pages per edition and typically the content will revolve around certain events in the world that were either driven by the active player characters, or it is something they will probably have to deal with in the upcoming sessions.

These articles can give hints to the players, or give them possible avenues of investigation, who to talk to, etc, so they can be worth a read.

Previous Editions

1154 NR

1157 NR – Foundation of the Empire

1213 NR – Galmadre & The Hive #1

1213 NR – Galmadre & The Hive #2

1226 NR – Maresian Fleet and Trouble on the Antaract