Session Recap – Imperial Campaign – Escape from Dr’Áng – 1156 NR

Previously: [[Recap – 1156NR – Imperial – Convergence of Dr’Ang]]

Next: [[Recap – 1156NR – Imperial – Into the Halls of the Fallen]]

==== Into the Ways ====

The Party found themselves in a cave of quartzite and strange growths, requiring several feats of Acrobatic and Athletic strength to escape. Passing a scar torn into the walls, they came to the chamber of strange darkness that hid within it a creature of poison, savagery and pain. The beast had long fed on the items contained within this chamber, and had gained from it some of the powers it releases.

The party erupted into disorganized confusion, some attacking immediately, some fleeing, others casting invisibility to see how it was going to pan out. Karandar suffered successive hits of unexpected strength, dropping him to quarter health in the first round, with Erak soon to improve on his record and hit 1HP shortly thereafter. The Don held the beast in place, and skipped past, while Sal did her best to avoid contact, restoring to the Wand of Wonders as an option. The Blast of Wind from the wand dislodged all the Creatures young, which swarmed the little Sorceress, dropping her to 3HP, while the party watched helplessly.

The fight turned desperate, Karandar loosing half his left leg (just below knee) in round 3, with Sal finishing off the swarm with a lightning blast by the wand, and hits from Don, Karandar and Erak’s Radiant blows sending the mother creature running.

Inspecting the room, Karandar found a large chunk of the vord blade lodged in the wall of the warren, causing the walls to seep the blood and mucus the creature had lived off of. They jointly deduced this to the be the chunk of the blade sent flying in its final moments, that sundered the Emerald Tower, and pinned Dr’Ang in the Mistwave woods.
After finding the blade, and the blood drying up, the party elected for a short rest, with all of our learning about hit dice 😀

==== The Moaner ====

The next chamber was filled with a pool of blood, and the great tentacle ‘Moaner’ within it. The beast contained a great gem in it’s forehead, and off set the Don, leaping onto its back, then head, and finally tearing the gem from it’s head. Re-joining the group he deposited the gem before flying off again to distract it while the group made their escape at the speed of a fast hop.

A banishment spell when awry, sending the moaner back to its home plane and leaving The Don no where to go but down, down into the sweet, goupy pool of blood below, that he would soon learn flows to the very feet of Slerikek himself.

==== Lady of the Living Wood ====

The party moved on, with little to no mourning for the loud-mouthed bard, before arriving at the Warren of Naruniga, the new patron of Erak. Opening the way and releasing his patron back into her home, the party were given a guide to get them to the other side of the warren, before they set down to take a long needed rest.

Trivia: Karandar and Oromis have now saved two gods.

Session Recap – Imperial Campaign – Battle for Dr’Áng – 1156 NR

Recap of “The Battle for Dr’Ang”

Last we played, you held the line for the PCs, fighting off Lengat’s forces for as long as possible before the Dragonborn heavy with questionable loyalty was the sole survivor.
The group arrived safely at the Temple that Oromis, Prophet of Dawn, had setup in, and quickly exchanged information with him. The group shared the truth about Lengat, while Oromis revealed his suspicions of Terranc’s duplicity, and plan to get answers via this Temple to Basoran.

Basoran’s Warren (Dr’Ang) had long been trapped in the Mistvane Forest, far to the east of Ran, under siege from the dark denizens of those woods. The Temple, once used in blood sacrifices to the Elder God, still had a strong linkage to the lord, and with it Oromis could seek his truths. Learning of Lengat’s betrayal and pursuit, he decided sooner was better than later, and soon the ritual had started.

We chose to skip this part, so in summary: you fought off her attempt, but was unable to kill her or her lieutenants.

==== The Path of Stone ====

The ritual finishes with a portal opening, and the party (along with Oromis and the Humble Lady) are wept into the Warren of Dr’Ang, or the path of Stone.
Standing in a stony cave like hallway, behind you is a large chasm that drops down in the inky depths below, showing no fathomable end in sight. The walls of which are dotted with massive forest-like outcroppings of quartz of all colours and sizes. Among the crystals foundations, great flowing veins of precious metals and stones that glitter in the refracted light.

While you watch, out on a small ledge below one of the outcroppings of pure and clear stones the size of small trees (stone sense: probably diamonds), a small party of figures can be seen.
The party is made up of mostly dwarves, and what appeared to be a single stone golem. As you watch the golem rears back, smashing a fist into the gem cluster, crackling and splintering off huge chunks, most of which fall in the bottomless depths below on into the hands of the waiting dwarves.
Clutching the crystals, the dwarves toss them through a small portal behind them, back to the Warren of the Forge Master, ready for use in his next epic construct.

You proceed forward, finding a pack of Deva’s of Terranc fighting in a kennel for Bulettes (Land Sharks). The Deva’s, singing the Ballad of Terranc, slowly fall, especially once you join the combat. The leader of the Shark Trainer’s guides you onwards to Basoran’s Throneroom, as they prepare for the next attack.
In the next chamber the part found two StoneMelders, magic users and reality benders of stone, fighting a Planetar. Helping the Melders, the party cleared the room and proceeded onwards to the throne. There they found a desperate defence being assembled by the god’s forces, as he himself put on his armor.
Time was short, and the Lord of Stone asked for assistance in his defence, but before anything could really be agreed upon, Terranc appears at the head of the large group of his Dawn Angels, and the battle was joined.

==== The Battle of Dr’Ang ====

The party held the steps, alone except the assistance of a few Nestorian Legionaries that arrived mid-fight, desperately fending off assault after assault, as they also commanded the Galeb Duhr, Melder and Bulette forces on the field against the swarms of Angels and Demons that came.
In the centre of the room, Terranc and Basoran danced a deadly duel that ended all too quickly, with Basoran impaling himself on Terranc’s sword (Crit Fail), and leaving the Throne of Dr’Ang unoccupied.

Late to the fight, but arriving in time to prevent Terranc’s Ascension, Xenth and Danath arrived to combat the God briefly, before falling and being replaced by Morrowdorn and Azzanan (who received little praise :P), who barely held the god back. The desperate holding action was interrupted by Sorrow and his revenants of Death, that swamed into the Dawn Angels, gaining the party a little reprieve as the Gods and Demi-Gods discussed an unheard topic.

The conversation failed, and Terranc, Sorrow, Morrowdorn and Azzanan erupted into a fight both Martial and Warren based, with the two unascendeds taking the brunt of the hits before finally both pulling out. Terranc looked to have the upper hand on Sorrow, before his twin, Telem, arrived to attempt to drive off both. Before he had a long chance, the Preserver (Elder Light) acted through Telem and Delcared the Warren to be off limits to all except someone worthy, and the room erupted in a savage and violent light that forced all to leave.

Continued: [[Recap – 1156NR – Imperial – Escape from Dr’Ang]]