Session Recap – Erford Campaign #3 – Defense of Erford – 1154 NR

On the way south there should have been a random encounter, but I forgot after listening to political ranting. ;)

Arriving in the town of Erford, the party would find it under the threat of imminent attack from a hobgoblin force of 8,000 across the [[Reaten River]]. There was a single Cohort in the town from the [[2nd Legion]], which had reinforced the shore of the ford and had constructed a fortified palisade between Crow and Temm’s towers.

The legion asked the party for assistance, holding the center of the town whilst the civilians made fled to the south east along the river. The party accepted the offer and set up for a fight.

And fight they did, the party holding the center and protecting all civilians barring one, and even having Rug join the 1st Century to hold the line for a few turns while tooting on his whistle. Finn raced around the square, assisting where needed and slinging insults at the Hobgoblins until being short of breath. O had a (semi successful) Glave Stomp off the roof, into a ferocious melee, holding Cat Alley all on his own. Above Kivan straddled the two lane ways, picking off any goblinoid stupid enough to leave cover.

As the city fell around the party retreated barely ahead of the legions battle line, ensuring the protection of every resident of Erford.

With the session coming to an end, the party is faced with the choice of either defending the people of Erford and assisting the legion, or to instead consider their part in the conflict done, and head south instead and skirt the warzone?

Session Recap – Erford Campaign #1 – Lair of the Lich Thanaz – 1154 NR

The Party met in Murex, in the Fental League, paid 100gp to arrive and hear [[NPC – Balazarass]] out. They accepted the mission, to enter the lair of a long dead lich and prevent a Necromancer from accessing the lich’s journal.

Out the front of the Inn, the characters unknowingly saw [[NPC – Danath]], lord of Light; [[NPC – Xenth]], the Blue Sorceress; chatting with [[NPC – Elastor]] the gnome, before teleporting away in search of something.

The Party met with Balzarass inside the inn, before which one of their members (Erik of Acid), betrayed them to [[NPC – Azzanan]] the Assassin.

They left for the Lich’s lair, going through many adventures within, including:

  • Clay Golem with a Artifact from the Plane of Life
  • Erik falling into an Acid Trap among phantoms.
  • Many of the undead
  • A flame Elemental

The arrive, to find a child’s book on the pedestal, and a Necromancer who appears laughing, to tell them they were too late. As that happens, a squad of Nestorians and the wizard Striker arrive, forcing a confrontation with the Nogrod.

The Party and Striker book it for the teleport door, taking out an Elder Ice Elemental on the way, before hitching a ride on Striker’s portal.

====Found Items====

  • Shield of Telemvor
  • Card of Whistling Winds

Session Recap – Xenth and the Tome of Secrets – 1131-1136 NR

Having met in the frontier town of Delagore, Xenth, Faen and Danath travel the north together, ending various threats, and eventually founding the Silver Order together to watch over a dark, secret evil.

At the culmination of the campaign, Xenth retired to the Windy Wood, Faen set off on the road guarding something, and Danath worked with the order of Telemvor in Relast for some years, until the summer of 1154 NR…