Missive – Imperial Campaign #2 – Azula Fortline – 1154 NR

Baron Karandar Ellenvord,

We trust this finds you well in your journey abroad of the Holdings, however duty calls, and an attention must be brought to your attention to find measure of your vote. Within you will find the standard information packet mailed to all lords in the field or unable to attend today’s council meeting, within is contained all of the information provided to fellow sitting members before it is brought to debate upon the floor.

Azulan Fort Line

[[File:Nestorian_Fortline.PNG ]]

A number of members of the Lord Council have raised issues of the vulnerability of our primary freight and trade channels, and wish to bring it to further debate among the council.

Nestorian trade has long been delivered to other nations by mainly land routes, in part due to tradition, national alliances, and the danger of the lands to the west. As the western lands have been pacified and continue to the be settled, along with the continued development of the Delagore docks, large scale ocean trade has become a reality for the city of Nestor.

The Lord Council is concerned that if river trade along the Azule continues to accelerate in popularity, the city may find itself with a vulnerable and exposed trade artery passing through hostile territory. The Lord Council are proposing the construction of twenty two (22) river, sea and lake forts between Port Pardue and Delagore.

The forts would be manned by the Nestorian Guard, or barring that the mariners of the 3rd Legion. The fort would be designed to be resupplied by river craft via a dock, the river craft to be manned by the same organisation who operates the forts (The Lord Council would advise a “River Guard” to be trained as river trade expands anyway, to protect our interests).

The fortline is expected to cost approximately 36,000gp in total, over a period of 5 years (7,200 / year). These costs would be partially (10%) subsidised by an agreement between the Lord Council and Baron Delagore to use their personal wealth. The remainder would be financed by a reshuffling of budgetary finances, along with a 5,000gp loan from the Stone Bank. The Lord Council agrees that these costs seem excessive for a fix to a potential future problem, however they have been discussing the issue for almost a year without reaching a consensus, and such wish the Barons and counts to weigh in.

While there is a current conflict that has forced trade to divert and use the Azula river, this will only continue for the current campaign season at most, and is not the basis of this dicussion. The forts discussed within will take up to 3 years to complete fully, and will have zero impact upon the outcome of the conflict.

Argument For

Nestor lives and breathes on the back of it’s trade. If the trade stops, so does the city, and then so do the holdings. None of us are immune to this. We cannot find ourselves in a situation where the pirates of the lattice or simpleton orc marauders can bring our mighty city and the glorious holdings to their knees with simple raiding! We cannot allow this to happen, we need to make Nestor great again!

These forts would allow for river patrols, safe bulk shipping, and increased wealth for every resident of the holdings! With the new fleet setting sail to protect our ocean tread, the horizon is the literal limit for how far we can now ship Nestorian goods!

Voting For

  • Duke Silvaro, Duke of Nestor<br>
  • Duke Pirtarvan, Duke of the Eastern Marches<br>
  • Duke Vocten, Duke of the West<br>
  • Morrowdorn, Lord Mage of Nestor <br>
  • Graffhand, Lord Cleric of Nestor<br>
  • Tankov Silverfist, Lord Admiral of the Nestorian Fleet

Argument Against

Nestor already stands at a crossroads for her future, accused of warmongering and deception on a national scale. Building a series of military forts is only going to antagonise an already delicate situation on the global stage! Morrowdorn and his cronies won’t stop starting wars with everyone, and now we want to build bigger walls? Really? Are you that un-selfware?!

The costs are prohibitive as well, 36,000gp would be better spent on schools, development and settlement opportunities, instead we’re supposed to waste it building a series of towers along a river that we ”might” colonize, at ”some” point? Okay, sure thing Duke Silvaro!

The river traders can hire guards if it’s so dangerous! Why should we, as lords and citizens of Nestor, be paying for the traders convenience? Let them cover their own costs! If the river was truly ””’that””’ dangerous, the Lord Council should sue for peace and send the Legions to clear out the area, but I doubt you’ll see that happen!

Voting Against

  • Duke Crayz Hodun, Duke of Hodun Marches
  • Duchess Tirian, Duchess of the Plains
  • Coril Sevenswords, Marshall of Nestor
  • Tefflum Solidstack, Publicly Voted Representative

Session Recap – Imperial Campaign #5 – The Road to Skyshaft – 1154 NR

Karandar left Santhur a week after Nagarazz’s fall, heading south-east to Kervic, a town who has contacted the legion for assistance.

===== Chapter #1 – Session #1 =====

Arriving, he found the town’s keep to have been morphed into some weird, living mass of vines that had integrated itself into the keeps walls. Dealing with the Druid in charge, Karandar noticed some references to ‘his master to the north’ implying some form of Over Druid in Kithloth’s Revenge, before dealing with the druid (swordily) and having Sal cleanse the building with another fireball (having snuck into the keep invisibly before unloading a fireball in the druids rear as the combat started.

The Town Council’s remaining three members have petitioned to join the Holdings with Karandar’s backing, and have a small detachment of the Nestorian Guard in residence during the war with Relast.

3 weeks to the south and west, they enter the quarry at Ioa, just as the wizard Tolarian drops in, taking the party to a small wood just south-west of Tabalian. Moving in, Karandar’s Company of 350 (Ist Legion) ambushed forces of the River Guard twice, before hitting back and moving in to hold the west back of the river against ~3800 River Guard.

They fought til the night fell, Karandar taking personal command multiple times to hold the line as the Magus of the River tried all kinds of tricks to break their defense. A timely summoning of a Giant Octopi into the river was a sight to be seen, and the beast still plagues the town to this day. In the end, night fell and the Guard fell back.

The next morning they found the level of the river had dropped. Investigating, Sal found the Magus manipulating the river upstream. Hitting him with no warning, she killed the 3rd Magus of the River, Defender of the Flows, Bearer of Shalin, and took control of the river, sending the massive amount of water east instead of west with a wall of earth. The water smashed the town of Tabalian, breaking buildings and wiping out the garrisoned guard forces, who promptly quit the field and headed south with all haste.

=====Chapter #1 – Session #2 =====

Midway Post was the next stop on their journey, finding a new companion in the (terrible and ineffective) card thief, Timble Softpaw. Many hijinks ensued in the Inn, including a devilish Aledrake, A Bearfolk who just wanted to be left in peace, and an Alcoholic* Storm Dwarf Runelord who had a map to give to his new drinking buddies. Guards recognized Karandar, but the situation was dealt with, with a suave set of words and some terrible (am I noticing a trend on this rogue ?) dagger-play from Timble.

Tangor’s Outpost was another week south, a town populated with some seriously strange people, who the group quickly figured out to be tired beyond all means. Keeping watch from some crazy earth bunker Sal made, the players quickly noticed that as soon as the whole town’s populace went to sleep, they came out to work at the strange Sawmill Timble had been scouting out earlier. As they watched, some wagons crewed by Orcs rolled up to the loading docks and the sleeping townsfolk started loading lumber.

Moving in, the Heroes wiped out the orcs almost immediately, before heading into the Administration building and setting off the Horror of Hadar trap. Sal gale-forced herself out of the area, while Karandar fought through and engaged the (quasi)Warlock in the circle of power below, who was mid-conversation with the Blood God of the Wastes. The Blood God abandoned his follower to die, and Karandar chose his fate swiftly.

He was visited by Kellok a few times, before being sent to Terranc’s Warren to assist Oromis in freeing the grace of Terranc.

===Dreaming of Kellok ===

Kellok appears to Karandar in his dreams. The juggernaut appears a giant human shaped flamed being, formed into a set of shining plate armor with a large symbol embossed on the front in Red. Arcana DC 12 = the symbol of the Enviromental Elements, sixteen balls, 4 each of fire wind earth and water circling one large grey orb. The smybol is located on his breast, on the right side.

He honours Karandar for his service, commending him on his efforts to push all inferior beings into following his way. Intimidation is greatest strength of the Inferno, and should be used to his advantage at all times.

He is here to gauge Karandar’s mettle, and likes what he sees, foreseeing a lot of potential greatness in the man. He can also feel a linkage from him to the Blood God of the Wastes that will need to be investigated further. He warns that the Helm and Arms are independent, yet will work together to try and reclaim the breastplate, and the Barbaran should be wary.

He tells Karandar that on the eve of the morrow’s morrow, he will be needing his services, as he can feel powers gathering for the spring solstice.

He fades, whispering the primary prayer of the church “Fire Conquers” and so fades the dream.

With his gods aura sticking around him like a cloyingly sweet smell, Karandar has an advantage to Intimidation checks until the next session.

===Afterwards ===

A few small events happened on the trail, including meeting some Dwimmer merchants who were very interested in Dvoik’s tale. The dwimmer grow a little quite, trading glances before one gently asks “Have you seen our brother? Do you know where he is?”, the answer only seems to sadden them, sharing several glances of unknown meaning before they cheer back up and start baking some travel bread in the coals (or a soup of its early).

They part ways pleasantly, giving Karanndar them a 2d8+8 Healing Potion for their travels, and naming them both Dwimmer Friend, Karandar for his service to Dvoik, Sal just because she is a warden and they are linked to Dwarves in a special way, and because bother of them quest for Skyshaft. They are told to contact the Dwim if they are ever in need, and they will come.

later, NIS agents drop in with a supply drop / gossip session from Nestorian IInd Legion and Faen (Warlock of Ice). The Party ended their immediate time on the road, with a rest in Caer Cloznia to recover and re-supply.

  • Long life Food and Water for 3 for 3 weeks (most of the bulk)
  • Whetstones and oil and basic supplies like rope and such.
  • 3x healing potions, 4d8 + 6
  • 3x Scroll of Cure Wounds @ Level 4, signed by Graffhand
  • A Wand of Godly Benefits, 5 charges, also signed by Graffhand – 1CHg = Bless – 2Chgs = Find Traps, Detect Magic – 3Chgs Cure Wounds Lvl 2. Regains 1 charge per day, unless underground in which it regains 3. On 0 Charges, 80% chance destroyed
  • 50gp.

===== Chapter #1 – Session #3 =====

A week later tour Heroes set out bravely set out for the beleaguered dwarves of Skyshaft. In the forest they faced many challenges, including a herd of Black Wyrmlings, and a pair of trolls. Not all was bad, with a visit to a High-Elven outpost resulting a parallel quest to steal a ring from the Orc Warboss.

They arrived at the mountains and made way for Karak Sanbell, the first stop on the way to Skyshaft. As they entered, Timble scouted out some goblins, and had 2 rounds of spectacular style combat (5 confirmed kills) before they surrendered. The goblins led the players back to their master, Blacktooth (who is the only person to give the Orc Warboss a permanent wound so far), who negotiated with Karandar to work on a deal with the Dwarves to let the goblins keep the mountain they’re in, in exchange for attacking the Orcs from above.

Session Recap – Imperial Campaign #4 – Defense of Tabalian – 1154 NR

====== Ambush at Tabalian (1156 NR) ======

==== Nestorian 1st Legion====
* 334 Legionaires
* 191 Crossbow/Medium Infantry
* 76 Heavy Infantry
* 23 Scouts
* 34 Cavalry
* 10 Redhelms
* a Large River Cave Octopus (summoned)

====2nd Riverguard Army====

  • 5000 Riverguard
    • 4,500 medium Infantry
    • 300 Cavalry
    • 200 Heavy Infantry

====Nestorian Casualties====

  • 203 Legionaires
  • 118 Crossbow/Medium Infantry
  • 41 Heavy Infantry
  • 12 Scouts
  • 26 Cavalry
  • 6 Redhelms
    ====Riverguard Casualties====
  • 3,421 Riverguard
  • 23 captured
  • 1,181 killed in combat
  • 2,217 drowned either crossing the river, or killed later in the flooding of Tabalian

A high pitched battle fought between elements of the Nestorian First Legion under the command of Baron Karandar Ellenvord and the 2nd Riverguard Army under General Stefano Elgario. The engagement was fought over three consecutive days, ending shortly after sunrise on the third morning after an explosive up-river conflict between the Forest Warden, Sal Wildvine, and the 3rd Water Walker, Toscarion, resulting in the flooding of the town Tabalian.

The conflict was fought primarily in or around the pair of barges that provided the crossing of the Alvarin River, with the Nestorian forces repeated throwing back the crossing attempts of the Riverguard.

==== Initial arrival and ambush ====

Karandar and his Centuries of the 1st had recently arrived at [[Santhur#Ioa|Ioa]], having marched south from their recent part in vassalizing the town of [[Santhur#Kervic|Kervic]] into the [[Nestor|Nestorian Holdings]]. They were met outside the town by Striker, magus of Air, who used his epic magicks to portal the half-Blade to the northern side of the Alvarin river, just north-west of Tabalian.

Scouting the position, the Nestorians found the forward elements of the 2nd Riverguard Army arriving in Tabalian, and pulled back across the other side of the river and preparing an ambush from concealment in the treeline north and south of the (east-west) road, just over a rise about 1700m back from the rivers edge. The scouts of the Riverguard were dispatched in an expert manner, giving no signal as to the upcoming assault, and so the first 500 man company of the army was decimated by several crossfired barrages of from the legion regulars.

The second company to cross the river were engaged as they found their fellow’s corpses, with the legion heavies holding the line behind Baron Karandar, as the regulars circled behind the Riverguard force and opened fire with their crossbows.

Hearing sounds of the conflict, General Elgario ordered forces to halt at the rivers edge until the situation can be assessed. Few survivors made it back to the Riverguard lines, with the legion having killed nearly 1000 men in two very short spans of time.

==== River Defense ====

The Legion setup a defense of the northern side of the river, and spent the next two days deflecting both rudimentary and magical river crossings by the guard, with the Red Helms and the baron leading the defense personally to keep up morale. The riverguards spellcaster squad led several assaults across the river with dimension doors and teleportation, that were barely defeated by the quick-footed Nestorians.

==== Flooding of Tabalian ====

On the third morning of the conflict, the Nestorian forces noted that the rivers flow had significantly decreased. Sal Wildvine investigated upstream with the Red Helms, find the Water Walker Toscario siphoning off a large part of the river in a magical resvior, ready to flood onto the Nestorian force. Striking before the mage could detect her presence, she and the Red helms struck!, defeating and killing the mage and releasing the torrent of water.

Racing ahead of the flood, Sal summoned her Earth magic and built a floodwall, directing the water away from the Nestorians, not realising she had instead sent it towards the town. Watching helplessly, the Nestorians both up and down-stream watched the remainder of the 2nd Army and several parts of the town washed downstream.

==== Aftermath ====

Several hours after resuce efforts had begun, a small exchange across the river between General Elgario and Baron Ellenvord marked the official cessation of conflict, and yielded the day to the Nestorians. After rescue efforts had completed, both Nestorian and Riverguard forces retreated from the area back to their respecting main forces, the defeat having discouraged the Riverguard from attacking again for several more months, and effectively keeping them out of the greater conflict completely.

The town of Tabalian saw some rough months after the conflict, somewhat offset by the assistance provided by people and church of the nearby town of Vineheart. A Nestorian volunteer force arrived almost 3 months after the conflict to assist in rebuilding the town. The volunteer force had been organized by, and working with supplies provided by Count Actin Tardin, who is said to have do in the name of the his friend Baron Karandar.

Session Recap – Imperial Campaign #3 – The Fall of Santhur – 1154 NR

The First legion, which had been besieged within Dansa by the “Mad Horde” of Nagrazzar for the past 2 years, finally broke the siege and linked up with the second legion. There they regrouped, and fast marched south to encamp north of the city of Santhur, the capital of the mad wizard.

Lacking the numbers to envelop and siege the city, the legions made a lightning strike for the Palace.


Led the assualt upon the FistFury gate with a majority of the 1st and the entire 2nd legion, primarily a distraction, but also deisgned to allow his forces to reinforce the other parties once the gate had been taken from behind.

//[[NPC – San Dolio | San Dolio]]// Led the attack against the river gate, a small gate that lacked the large defenses of the other. Utilizing the Wind Magus, Thov, Dolio dropped a centtury behind the gate and quickly took it, and moved to flank Karandar’s gate with his other 3 centuries.

//[[NPC – Striker | Striker]]// Was supposed to sailing a small riverboat fleet around the city, and take it via the docks, however that never really worked out. Nagrazzar lauched a pre-emtpive strike upon the lighting magus, and somehow in the ensuring fight, the boat (a small ship really) that Striker was upon was launched forward and terminal velocity and was embedded into the city wall. From there the Magus and his guard of Battlemages and Red Helms forced their way into the city.

The City

Karandar and Dolio cleaned up the Fistfury gate and moved on the palace without significant resistance, linking up with Striker and going straight for the Mad Wizard. Entering the Palace, they found it to be a trap, and as Red Helms died around them, the three, along with a Barbarian Ruginar, managed to drop the wizard with a wooden spear (breaking his Metal-proof magical shield amulet), but not damaging him significantly.

Unknown to the other two, Morrowdorn was waiting for word to make his move, and when Striker made him aware of the changes, the High Mage of Darkness arrived, and engaged the Mad Wizard directly, ending the war in the massive conflagration about the city, that ended in the destruction of nearly half of the “Wealthy District” of the city.

The Mad Hordes, no longer under the Mad Wizards control, seemed to awake, dazed and confused. With no memories of how they got here and why, and seeing blood-lusting Nestorian Legionaries in and around them, most surrendered without much trouble, bring the 8 year ‘Liberation’ to an end.

Missive – Imperial Campaign #1 – Pardue Farms and the Second Legion – 1154 NR

======Voting Items======

  • Expansion of the Legion(s)
  • Port Parda Fish Farm expansion
  • Reduction of Nestor Guard presense in Clouda

=====Expansion of the Legion(s)=====

Barons [[Graffhand]] and [[Morrowdorn]] have proposed to the Court that for the nessecary defense of the city and protectorates of Nestor, a second Legion of 5000 men and women should be raised.

The Lord Council has already garunteed the funds to raise the legion and their equipment via the coffers of the Lord Council and a contract of bulk manufacture from the [[Dwarves | Dwimmerfolk]].

====Points of Consideration====

===For ===

  • The First Legion is fully commited in Santhur, and the use of a second legion would signifcantly increase the effectivness of our forces in the area.
  • Reduced use of the guard as a militant force when required
  • Securing the border with thh [[Forest of Uni]] against increasinly frequent Hobgoblin raids.


  • Cost. The first legion costs 7,000gp per month to the city, and it would be expected that the second follows suit. While those funds are currently availible, they could be used elsewhere for more contructive purposes.
  • Diplomatic relations with [[Relast]] are already strained, in part due to the raising of the first legion and the push south into Santhur. Raising of another legion may lend further strain upon the situation.

====Port Parda Fish Farm Expansion=====

With the outstanding success of the then experimental Fish Farms at Port Parda, a request is made for 10,000gp of city funds to expand the farms by a further 30%. Expected revenure from the expansion is estimated to be in excess of (7-800gb) a month, combined with the stability of a more diverse consistant food supply for the region.

=====Reduction of Nestor Guard presense in Clouda=====

The Nestorian Guard has requested the reduction of the guard presence in the town of Clouda. Currently 250 guards are stationed there, origionally to assist during the inital conflict with Santhur, however as the legion pushes further south the requirement has decreased.

The Ambassadors of the Guard have requested the total number of the guard station in Clouda be reduced to 100, which is still a significant improvment on the origional 15 guardsmen that were stationed there before the conflict.

Session Recap – Imperial Campaign #2 – Hunted – 1154 NR

==== Where we’ve been ====

Dvoik and Karandar recovered from their previous adventure in the goblin cave-dwelling, while swapped a couple of stories and starting to get to know one another. Karandar learnt of the basic origins of the Dragon Rod that Dvoik currently carries, and that it was found in the treasure of [[Jerendrak]], a young white dragon that was slain by Dvoik and a full village of Hill Dwarves (that had been suffering through Jerendrak’s presence until Dvoik’s intervention).

==== The Troll’s Bridge ====

The following morning, the two set off, continuing their journey to the Windy Wood in the West. The trip was uneventful until their arrival at the Troll Bridge, where they observed a female Necromancer (known to Dvoik) arguing with a group of Orcs guarding the bridge. The conversation rapidly turned violent, and before either of them could blink, all 6 Orcs were on the ground, corpses steaming.

The Necromancer raised the recently deceased bodies back to undeath, before appearing the teleport away.

Karandar promptly decides to charge the skeletons. Karandar nearly dies (again), with Dvoik finishing off the last of the skeletons and handing Karandar a glowing Health Potion and quaffing one himself, returning them both to full health.

As the last of the steaming bodies settles to the ground, another group of orcs emerge from the trees to the north of the bridge. While Dvoik and the Orcs posture at each other, the Mountain Troll who rules the Troll Bridge emerges, demanding 15gp ‘Blood Money’ for each slain orc. The party doesn’t have anywhere near enough gold, and a…. discussion about repayment ensued, somehow ending with a (recently near death) Human Barbarian intimidating the Mountain Troll into letting them go.

Marching on, specifically not looking back to ensure they seemed confident (and definitely not having time to loot the corpses), the party failed to notice what happened as they walked away.

==== Overturned Wagon ====

Later that afternoon, the adventurers discovered an overturned wagon on the southern side of the Cassiopean Way, peppered with a few poorly made goblin arrows. The wagon was well constructed, seemingly of a higher than average quality, and was recently filled to the brim with Alchemical supplies and potions.

The following items were found while the adventurers were exploring the area:

  • A small pouch, containing 30gp and a recipe in a language you have never seen before.
  • 3x Health Potions (2d4 +2)
  • A Mysterious Silver Liquid in a stoppered vial with a bulbous end.
  • 2x odd, potions with metallic flecks the shape of shields floating within
  • A letter of stationary, for the Baron Mendore.

As they turned to leave the area, Karandar did happen to notice a couple of hand crossbow bolts stuck in the wall behind where the driver may have been seated, however apart from the goblin arrows in the other areas of the wagon, there are no other signs of a struggle.

==== Goblin ‘Revenge’ raid ====

The party, unhappy about the Necromancer’s presence in the area, decided to do a half forced march for half the night before resting, the aims of putting more space between themselves and the Necromancer (unknowingly succeeding).

Roughly 2-3 hours after getting to sleep, Karandar wakes up to the sight of Dvoik being clubbed by a Goblin while the dwarf still slumbered. Finding himself unarmed an on his back, the Barbarian grabs a hand axe that was under the pillow (DM is still sceptical on this -__-‘) and enters the fight against 6 poorly armed goblins.

As the fight progressed, poorly for all, a female human Rogue just appears in the middle of the fight, 5ft from Karandar, holding a sword hilt with a shattered blade. She joins the fight against the goblins, slaying two in the resulting combat, while watching the barbarian fall backwards, crushing the life from one of the two goblins who were clinging to his back, repeatedly stabbing with their knives.

The surviving goblin is Intimidated by the barbarian into giving up their reason for being there (Looking for the Goblin Boss from the previous session, who fled, and the item in his possession), before letting him run back to probably drown while trying to swim the river.

The new rogue, introduced as Ered of Nestor (Played by Kaitlin Lapthorne), is awkwardly introduced, giving very little backstory and motives to her being here, probably trying to avoid answering why she had Karandar’s family heirloom in her possession as she arrived.

NB: I feel it should be noted, they left Dvoik on the ground during this whole thing, no one even bothered to check if he was even alive!

==== The Merchant ====

The following morning the party sets off once more, continuing to head west, before coming across a Merchant heading for Port Pardue.

The merchant had a few small items for trade, before remembering an old set of splint mail that he had been unable to sell off in the past.

Karandar inspected some of his wares, before purchasing the following for ”25gp”

  • The Splint Mail (semi-damaged) – Gives AC13 +1, will grant AC14 +1 when repaired. (Also, who just puts on a set of armor that a merchant couldn’t sell, that has magical properties?!)
  • 30ft of Rope
  • ?? (Books at home, have been typing this from memory, will update, was something minor like Health Pots)

He also passed on the following pieces of gossip he had heard in Delagore:

  • The Princess in Cassiopea has offered a 1sp bounty to anyone who can bring her proof of having slain a Red Claw, leading to many in the area to think this is a token gesture.
  • Baron Seled has left Delagore, and is said to be headed to Port Pardue to assist with the Hobgoblin threat.
  • His Children, Torosk (26m) and Felanor (22f) are currently overseeing the running of Delagore.
  • All of the Delagore dry docks (3 total) have been seized by the Baron Council for private works. So far the bones of the ships being built are looking suspiciously like medium-large warships/escorts.

[[Newspaper – Early 1154]] – Before he left, he gave Ered a copy of the most recent Bray, a newspaper of the Nestorian regions.

==== The Misty Morning ====

As they continue travelling west Dvoik shares a little more about his past, giving a brief description of his travels with the Necromancer (Nerdizer) and Morrowdorn deep into the UnderDark.

He gives little detail, but tells a tale of a huge breeding pit ran by a Lich formerly of the first empire, that was a cruel affair of Human and Elven women locked in cattle pens deep below the earth, pumping out children every 12 months, that would be rapidly aged, killed, raised back to undeath, and sent to fight against the Lich’s enemies for as long as their bones held together.

Following that depressing tidbit of information, it somehow manages to get worse.

As they walk through the thickening mists, some ass rolls a nat 20, and sees a dark figure looming in the mist behind them. The figure is not moving, and as Karandar keeps walking the figure disappeared into the mist.

Moments later 3 Skeletons burst from the ground around the party, immediately engaging in combat. The fight was brutal, and seemed to be over by the second round (in favour of the adventurers), however as the round ended, another 3 skeletons burst from the ground, and in two more turns, another 3 arrived, leaving the total at 6.

The 6 Skeletons surround the party, but disengage, as the Necromancer appears suddenly, 20ft in front of the party, demanding the Dragon Rod from Dvoik. He obviously refuses to hand it over (think of this thing as an atom bomb). Before Dvoik even finished his denial, the Necromancer made a ‘come hither’ gesture with her finger aimed behind the party. As they turn, they see the figure from above (now identified as the Nogrod), standing about 10ft behind them, having somehow made it that close without being seen or heard.

Having seen the Nogrod, and being acutely aware of what that thing is capable of, while surrounded by undeath, and a pissed off Necromancer, Dvoik made an offer to instead give Nerdizer the location of the [[Crown of Thanaz]], an item that the First Empire has been trying to recover for centuries. Nerdizer accepted the deal almost immediately, receiving the information and dispelling the skeletons before disappearing again.

==== Conclusion ====

Hours later, as the party is headed west after their encounter with Nerdizer, they stop for a moment a to take in the sunset before them. As they start to move again, Dvoik happens to look back the way they come from, seeing a dark silhouette stopped on the distant horizon, resembling the form of the Nogrod.

Dvoik shivered, before starting to contemplate whether a guarantee of ‘Safe Passage’ from Nerdizer also included the Nogrod…

== Stat Blocks ==


== Start ==

What came before:

Goblin cave, with a big spider. Boss Goblin escaped downstream on the Under Azula.

Karandar was laid low by a Hobgoblin in the final fight.


Camp, same (above ground) camp that they fought the goblins in previously.

Dvoik making food on a fire, wants to head off early in the morning when Karandar has rested.

If RP Happens, Dvoik is a little more willing to fill in some of his backstory.

  • Gloss over exile for now.
  • Will discuss the fighting of Jerendrak the White and the discovery of the Rod of Dragon Bone that seems to be a Rod of Power.
  • Will discuss Xenth and Graffhand (semi dislikes, but respects what he has achieved away from the Mountain Homes)

==== Middle == ==

Encounter 1:

The Bridge

  • See Nerdizer talking to a group of maybe 7-8 orcs on the other side of the bridge (too far to hear)
  • If they wait, watch her take out the group of Orcs, and resummon as 7 sentinal skeletons
  • Skeletons will fight immediatly, as the last one drops, the Orcs from the forest come to see whats happening.
  • River is a DC 27 Athletics to cross, on fail, make a lot of noise and get seen. DC 15 Ath to get to shore. If not, float down the river
    (Dvoik: Out of sight, and out of the campaign for now, have the rod wash up near where he fell)

(Karadar: final DC 12 to get to the lower back (will come back to a bleeding Dvoik, on the edge of getting fucked up by a troll), if not then take 1/2 health and 1x exhaustion, but he doesnt get to the bank until it rejoined the Azula).

==== Troll ====

Considers you liable for his losses, wants 10gp per dead orc (Mountain Trolls believe in Blood Money, or each slave needing to be ‘paid off’ if you kill them).

Persuade DC
<12 – Not having it at all
12-16 – Will take 5gp
16+ – Sees your point, will just take the toll, plus 5gp for wasting his time.

Intimidate DC
<24 – He comes at you, “easier just to eat you and take you gold!”
25+ – He thinks you’re a little unstable, and not worth the trouble.

=== Alchemists Wagon ===

A few hours beyond the bridge, they come across a wagon that has been run off the road and is laying on its side.

As you inspect the wagon, they find it to be an Alchemist’s personal wagon, of someone quite wealthy.

Searching the Area for Clues

Perception DC

<10 – It looks like an alchemists wagon, goblin arrows are stuck in the side, explaining where all these damn heal pots are coming from. – (Health Pot x3 – 2d4 +2) + (Mysterious Silver Glowing Potion)

10-15 – Seems like it belonged to a wealthy alchemist – 2x Potion of Bodily Armor (+3 to AC for 24 Hrs)

16-18 – You find a letter head for ‘Baron Mendore’, it might have been his wagon. You also notice that amoungst the goblin arrows, theres two things that dont add up. 1. Wheres the body.

  1. Why are there two finecrafted hand-crossbow bolts stuck into the headboard of the wagon?

18+ – As you turn to leave, you notice a small pouch that had fallen up under one of the wheels as the wagon rolled. Within you find a small amount of gold (30gp) and a piece of parchment, that has something that looks like a recpipe on it, but in a language you cannot read.

==== End ====

=== The Misty Morning ===

Thefollowing morning, you have the misty encounter. Book has soo much more info than me.

Starts with 3 skeles popping up next to you, then 1 per 2 turn for 3 turns until 6 total.

Then Nerdizer pops up and starts chatting with Dvoik, sicks the Nogrod on you, and its all business from there.

Finishes as Dvoik yields the location of the Crown of Thanaz, in exchange for Nerdizer not pursuring the Rod until after we give it to Xenth (let her deal with it!)

Or Isaac breaks it somehow.

=== Merchant Meeting ===

Catch up with Merchant going the other way, get a copy of the Bray, bit of gossip from beyond (Delagore + Cassiopea)

  • The Princess in Cassiopea has offered a 1sp bounty to anyone who can bring her proof of having slain a Red Claw
  • Baron Seled has left Delagore, and is said to be headed to Port Pardue to assist with the Hobgoblin threat.
  • His Children, Torosk (26m) and Felanor (22f) are currently overseeing the running of Delagore
  • Theres a couple of suspicious vessels in the Delagore dry dock, looking suspiciously like warships in the making.

=== The Nogrod Returns ===

Around an hour after your meeting with the Merchant, as you crest a hill, turn and look behind you to see what seems to be a single figure standing on the horizon behind you.

Perception 20 will show its the Nogrod.

The Nogrod will continue to silently advance.

=== If have time, Attacked by Goblins in Sleep (Revenge) ===

Do a Wisdom Saving throw, 13+ means you wake just as the goblins take your weapons, leaving it as 1 vs 6 goblins (dvoik is brutally knocked out cold).

If kate is here, teleport her in now to help.

Session Recap – Imperial Campaign #1 – Antaract Goblins – 1154 NR

==== Other Characters ====

==== Opening ====

Dvoik sizes the player up and down,

“So this is what Graff sent me to work with? It’ll do for now.”


“Come along, we have a detour to make, just don’t tell Graff about it.” and starts walking down the Cassiopean Way to the west. Any attempt to converse with the Dwarf results in nothing more than a few grunts and fairly non-commital answers.

DC 15 Perception to Detect that it feels as though it’s more due to you being an unknown than him not liking you.

*After several hours, you come to, well, nothing of interest really. The road has slowly curved to the south, leaving the side of the rive and now with a think cluster of woods to your north, and the plains of Antaract continuing to the south.
The only reason you feel any need to stop is that the Dvoik is sniffing the air around the trees and making a growling noise in the back of his throat.

“I thought this was the place! There are Goblin-kin somewhere in the wood Rager, I noted it a few times I’ve passed this way, and today we’re going to do something about it.”

You follow Dvoik and his noise through the wood for around 100-150 meters, before he stops and kneels, moving grass away from a dismal little hole in the ground, half a meter across at it’s narrowest point, up to about 1.5m wide.

Looking back at you, Dvoik says “This smells like the place, Goblin with a hint of Hob. I’ll go first, and shock them, you follow up to the rear and get the rest!” and with that, he jumps into the hole.

Before you can finish your breath you hear a crunch from around 20 feet down, followed by what was probably something in Goblin, before a second, nmuch louder crunch sounds from below.


==== 1st Room ====

2 dead goblins, one clearly landed upon, the others head was seperated horizontally rooughly at eye level, with the remains of grey matter leaking out of the remnants.

Around you is crumbling stone walls, from a time long past, showing dirt and earth falling through from behind. The room doesnt seem to be used for anything in particular, and it seems like these two goblins just happened to be in the wrong place at the worst possible time.

You are standing in a puddle of stagnant water, that has probably fallen through the hole above to settle, leaving a strong smell of Mold and Mildew, with the room illuminated by a solitary torch on the wall.

There are 2 doors in the room,

“Did you at least tie a rope to something?” Dvoik – 25XP if yes.

Before: “I’m going to try this door, you grab the other, and meet back here if you get in trouble! You can keep the torch if you need it”

====The Door====

The door in front of you doesnt seem to be particularly well built, consisting of a few sturdy boards nailed to some cross beams, with a very basic knob with a keyhole in it. The door knob looks to be in better shape than the door itself, ironically.

  • DC 10 STR to Break – 25XP
  • DC 18 Dex (Sl of H) to Unlock. – 100XP

If the handle is tried first, all enemies beyond are waiting for you.

==== 2nd Room ====

as you enter the next room, there are a series of poorly made, messily kept beds ranking the walls to the left and right of you.

If Tried Handle

The Goblins are waiting for you, having heard someone trying the door unsuccessfully, and the player will be surprised, but only by the archer who gets off a shot with a -2 to the Hit roll due to nerves.

If didnt try

Player has surprise on the goblins. Ruh roh.

3x Goblins, 1 as an Archer (who will flee as the first gob dies or the 2nd/3rd turn occurs)

as the battle progresses, the Archer will flee @ round 2, and if the fight continues in round 4, so will the other goblins.

==== Hallway ====

As you open the door, the hallway leads forward about 20 feet, before turning right and continuing for another 50 or so feet.

The floor of the hallway is a mess of cracked cobblestones, jutting out of the floor at odd angles, making it very difficult to run (DC12 Agility – or 1d4-1 piercing) across without knowing the hallway, leading to the Goblins pulling away from the Player if they are in pursuit.

To the left is a small passway, leading to a larger than normal door.

There are two traps, both at knee height, and both are 2 feet from the turns in the passageway. The Traps are strungly with extremely fresh silk, almost goopy to the touch, almost giving it away as light glints onto the uneven strands.

Both Traps do 1d4 damage (single shot pressurized dart tube, if inspected it’s clearly from some alchemists wares).

To Detect: DC12 Investigate or DC15 Passive Perception (25XP ea)
To Disarm: DC5 Agilty to disarm. (25XP ea)

==== Hobgoblin Bedroom ====

The door opens as you try it, within is a couple of beds, much larger than in the previous room. These look to be the remains that may have been dragged back from a raid on a nearby village.

a Hobgoblin, sitting on a bed to your left oiling it’s sword, slightly concealed by the door so you dont see it as the door swings open, that leaps to its feat and engages you.

Inspecting the room afterwards turns up a potion of healing. (2d4+2)

==== The Hall ====

2 Gobs

  • Flee(ing) Goblins
  • A goblin boss, doing either:

If Goblin escaped, Ordering his 3 minions into position, as the Player enters, all four open fire.

If not, exhorting his minions in Goblin, gesturing wildy with a milky glass orb in one hand.

Goblin Boss flees as the last goblin goes down, or Half health, or The fights going too long.

==== The Cave ====

DC20 Perception to see it on the roof of the Cave.

As you enter the cave, you see the Goblin boss disapearing through the opposite entrance, and you swear you might have heard a cackling.

You find yourself in a mess. Webbed bodies span the room, some goblin-oid, some Human, and one that looks suspiciously like a hobgoblin, and it looks like it put up one hell of the fight.

Spider Swarm, erupts on the Player, immune to weapon damage.
Dvoik emerges from an entrance, yells something in Dwarfish (per DC 20, something about Spiders), and slams his axe against you sideways (using the flat side, squashing the spiders below, with the rest scurrying away.

A primal scream erupts from above you, and a spear of Web smashes in Dvoike, throwing him against the opposite wall and immobilizing him in the web.

As the player looks up, down looks a giant spider back at you.

*Loot in the Room: A bag of Holding, hidden on the Hobgoblin’s corpse.
*2 Potions: Greater Healing, and Water Breathing DC15 Perception that one of the Goblins had a bulge signifying a pack.

==== The Dock ====

There is a mooring, but any boat is long gone, along with its occupant.

Session Recap – Erford Campaign #4 – Temple of Terranc – 1154 NR

Note: Sorry for the terse write-up, I wrote this from memory, months after the event. -ML


The group started in the camp of the people of Erford, and set about helping out the peoples of the area. After a few hours or so, Rug (holding the Shield of Telemvor) was assaulted by an Assassin named [[Gareth]], found to be from the [[Covenant of Hammer and Tome]]. The assassin was able to escape via some device that he pulled out, and teleported away.

Command Tent Meeting

The players met with Striker, the Baron of Erford (an angry, unrealistic man), and the commander of the legion elements in town (Earl Servik, from Hodun).

A plan was discussed from Striker, to go to an abandoned nearby Temple of Terranc and ask for his blessing in defeating the leader of the Hobboglins, and buy the people of [[Erford]] enough time to get to [[Port Pardue]].

Temple of Terranc

A strange, abandoned temple to the Lord of Dawn, [[Terranc]]. Somewhat demon infested, the temple was riddled with traps and dangers for the players, however Kivan’s nimble feet and the wisdom of our bard Finn, led us to saftey. Access to the shrine required the defeat of two high level demons to power a device that sent a beam in the hue of dawn into a large emblem of Terranc, and allowed a direct connection from Oromis to his lord Terranc, who heard him clearly and has marked the Hill Dwarf as a potential Prophet of the Dawn (a shitty arcana roll prevented Oromis from realizing this at the time).

Terranc gifted the party with a bonus d6 to all d20 based rolls until the next dawn.

The Next Day

Striker portals the party back into Erford, quickly pointing out the residence of the Warboss, before having to deal with an incoming patrol of Hobgoblins and keep them distracted and busy.

Outside the residence is a captain, and 4 longbow-goblins. Clearing that out, they assaulted the building, finding two captains in the first room with Rug and Kivan killing one each, and Finn nearly dying. Oromis flanked through a window, finding the Warboss who Shield-Based Oromis back out the window before turning to engage the rest of the party in the front room.

The party engaged in intense combat with the warboss, Finn heating his armor to painful levels during the fight, before finally managing to kill him just as Striker returned to the residence in haste, with a group of goblins tight on his heels. Rug found (and captured) the Druid Maltek of the [[Covenant of Hammer and Tome]] in the next room, along with finding a series of items.

Session Recap – Erford Campaign #6 – Stone Bank & Raiding Algarazz the Red – 1154 NR

To date, still my favorite session I’ve run. Ever.

== Items Found ==

(what a freaking haul!)

==== Algarazz’s Lair====

  • [[Items#Dragon Slayer|Dragon Slayer]] – ====Rug Colinaf====
  • Single long rod of Darkwood – ====Kivan====
  • 1 Ingot of Mithril
  • 1 Ingot of Unknown Metal
  • [[Items#Kovost Salinosha|Kovost Salinosha]] – ====Finn====
  • Manual of Health
  • Manual of Speed
  • Manual of Golems

====Striker’s Gift====

  • [[Items#Ring of Focused Rage|Ring of Focused Rage]] – ====Rug====
  • [[Items#Broach of Sung Shields|Broach of Sung Shields]] – ====Finn====
  • [[Items#Striker’s Charged Bracer|Striker’s Charged Bracer]] – ====Kivan====
  • [[Items#Furious Eye of Terranc|Furious Eye of Terranc]] – ====Oromis====

====Quest Rewards====


  • 1,675gp – Deposited into stone bank
  • Offer for more opportunities for similar work in the future if the party desires (including a possible visit to the Plane of Fire)

” Granddaughter of the Silver Duke of Nestor”
*Promise of good favor with her Grandfather.

= Recap =

=== Dockside Inn ===

The party started the day at the dockside inn, suffering through a poor breakfast (excepting a smug Finn and his meal that was enhanced byPrestidigitation). They soon made a beeline for the Stone bank, getting directions from the Innkeeper.

=== Encounter with the Paladins of Sileast ===

Much to quickly to be a coincidence, the party was ambushed in a narrow alley by a group Paladins of Sileast, sliding in ahead and behind of them, 4 ahead, 4 behind. Oromis and Finn both cast spells to limited effects, attempting to buy some time, before trying to sweet talk their way out of trouble, again to no avail.
The Lead Paladin, ”Sigurd Salman of Calad”, A tall, wiry man who walks with a limp. Straw, shoulder length blonde hair, 2 parallel scars across left cheek.
He listens to Finn, before simply stating ”No” and demands the shield from Ormis, motioning for his Paladins to try and to take it by force, who moved in to attack. An Arcana check showing that blessings and defensive magics being cast among themselves.

  • ====2 Rounds in==== – 2 Figures appear at the end of the alleyway, before one just disapears! Perception DC 15 Shows that they both have two swords strapped to their backs, but are too far away for much else.
  • * Large round man – Host DC 10 = Kev Tev the Sev! appears midst combat, demanding Sigurd go find his own damn shield.
  • * Figures with dual swords have appeared behind the Paladins, swords drawn. Kev Tev’s guards. PER DC 15 = Paladins who are near the guards are visibly nervous and start edging away.

=== [[Nestor#Azula Square|Azula Square]] ===

The players enter a great square, full of people bustling from door to door, everyone seeming to have a purpose. Kev Tev took his leave, asking the players to call by sometime soon, especially if Oromis changes his mind about selling the Shield of Telemvor.

At one end of the square was a large domed building (The Baron Chambers) and at the other was the large Stone Bank building, with it’s massive doors.

==== [[Nestor#The Stone Bank|The Stone Bank]] ====

“Noticeable from blocks away is the arched roof of the great Stone Bank of Nestor, an immense, ancient building towering over all those around it. Facing into a small market square, the great doors on the front are of a height to accommodate the passage of a creature the size of a stone giant without needing to stoop. The runes on the door crackle with power as you near, and you can see multiple different types and languages represented in the defensive wards, without reason, you can tell that this building is heavily protected from all sorts of attacks. Either side of the large door stands two large bronze statues, roughly the shape of an oversized humanoid. Coming and going from the building is a constant flow of foot traffic of all races and types, entering with heavy bags, and then leaving clutching only square pieces of paper.”

The building itself shows signs of damage around the edges. The leftmost pillar at the front is cracked and some chips are missing from the stonework around one edge. Looks almost like something gargantuan has physically ran into the building at some point, with a large chuck missing rom the north-west corner, almost as if it were bitten.

”Dwarven Stonesense” shows that the damage seems ancient. The building is well crafted, but not one of the typical masterpieces expected of the dwarves, almost as though it was built in a hurry.

”History” –
Created during the second war of extinction.

Within the players make their way to the counter, negotiating with a female dwarf. Jumping through loopholes, the party needed to ID themselves, but lacked any acceptable forms of identification as far as the bank was concerned, so they were required to meet the manager: an Ancient Bronze Dragon – [[Dolostiak]]. Dolostiak read the minds of the party to prove their identity (noting Rug’s lack of comprehension skills), and the party quickly had their new items, and were on their way.

Dolostiak advised Oromis to seek the assistance of a priest (Bello, ‘One of my kind’) in the local Shrine for assistance with his Shield.

==== Strings & Dings ====

Finn meets two young Bards (Alana (23 Half-Elf) and Terri (25 Human) ) who have started a new instrument shop next to an abandoned theater in recent weeks. They notice Finn was an adventurer (and also his bulging sack o’ cash on his belt) and suggest an investment opportunity to him: he buy the building at 2000gp, and the Girls would run the entertainment and food side of the business.

Lacking the funds now, Finn said he would consider their offer.

==== Sivis Arms ====

Oromis, Rug and Kivan inevitably ended up in the weapons store (boys and their toys!), upgrading various items such as armor and sidearms, with Oromis swapping in his Short sword for a brand new Dwarven Battle Axe to compliment his shield.

==== Thief Chase====

Kivan, Oromis and Rug gave chase to a thief, dodging various items and obstacles, with Rug calming some chickens, and Kivan colliding with a granny, before finally catching the thief, who avoided fault by claiming ‘Guild Business’ and giving back the take, ====35gp and a Silver Amulet====. The 35gp was pocketed by Kivan ‘Sticky Fingers’, before the amulet was return to the young girl, who claimed to be the grand daughter of the Silver Duke of Nestor.

The party set off for the Shrine of Terranc

=== Shrine of Terranc ===

Located on [[Nestor#Temple Way|Temple Way]], the Shrine is crammed between the stately temples to Kellok and The Lady of Ash.

Within Oromis found Bello, a priest of Dawn, once the ”Blade of Change” in the order. Bello and Oromis chat for a moment before a strangle cloaked man comes in and starts talking to Bello in Marese. Bello, gesturing angrily, finally points at the party and leaves the room. The cloaked figure approaches Oromis, and offers to wait for him to finish his prayers, as he has an opportunity for him.

The cloaked figure wishes powerful flame resistance, and needs Bello for it, hoping the players can help him with convincing Bello. Eventually it came to pass that Bello would grant the blessing only if Oromis joined the mage (revealed as the publicly ‘dead’ [[Morrowdorn]]) on his quest. Bello appeared to have ulterior motives for this.

Morrowdorn’s plan was simple: He needed Darkwood, and the only known store was a dragons lair. So he was going to rob it. While he was doing so and distracting the dragon, he wanted the players to gather as much gold as they could. In return the party would receive 1/4 of the total stolen value. They accepted to join him, and he gave them a small hourglass that would automatically teleport them back to his tower 2 minutes after they left.

He cast invisibility, then group teleport, and they were gone.

== The Lair of Algarazz ==

The party teleported into a gloomy cavern, lit from the glow of the magma in the caldera far, far below. Huge piles of glittering coins were heaped up in every direction, primarily gold but with some copper, silver and electrum thrown into the mix. Scattered here and there were piles of gems or items to appear to be arrayed in some form display fashion (Perception from sleeping spot would have shown each artifact visible from his bed). Deep, calm breathing could be heard coming from a recessed chamber in the cavern wall, marred occasionally buy a snore, or a puff of soot and a cough.

Due to the greater spell of invisibility, the party were unable to located each other, and set down to scraping as much gold as they could into the their respective [[Items#Box of Accounting|Boxes of Accounting]]. Finn, Kivan and Rug got off to a flying start (with Rug needing several turns to get the whole “Coins go in the box thing” figured out), while Oromis set of in pursuit of a nearby chest that caught his eye. Oromis got to his chest, finding all manner of unique Magical Manuals and craft-able metals, before hurrying back to the gold piles and getting to work.


As Oromis made it to the chest, a large explosion was set off near the source of the breathing, accompanied by Morrowdorn swearing in pain and chagrin. The Dragon emerged from his place of rest, showing himself to massive, much larger than anything the characters had ever seen before. His head alone was roughly the same size as Dolostiak, the Bronze Dragon who runs the Nestorian Stone Bank. Morrowdorn could be seen dancing out of the way of the dragons blows and attacks, hitting back with blasts of Lighting and Ice from his free hand, the other clutching a faggot of irregular lengths of Darkwood. The continued their dance for a almost a minute, before Morrowdorn found time to drop a covering of elemental Darkness across the entire cavern, impenetrable to all sight.

A very quiet, very unsettling 20 seconds passed before Algarazz managed to dispel the darkness, and also the greater invisibility that was on the players, revealing their presence to him. Reacting in rage, he beat his wings, throwing Oromis from the ledge and seemingly into the magma, before he managed to catch a last grasp with a Dex save. In the meantime Kivan had acquired a wondrous Harp, and Finn had made his way into the Dragons lair and found a sword of Dragon Slaying to steal.


The Dragon turned to Rug next, breathing a great gout of flame that turned the barbarian to a crisp with negative hit points and some dicey live saves to roll. After a while, Oromis managed to hoist himself up, getting a perfect heal on to Rug just as the last breaths started to leave his massive chest, bringing the quarter giant back to fighting (and more importantly, Looting) form.

The players desperately start shoveling money into their chests as fast as possible, knowing time is counting down. The Dragon, tired of the games, cast a lengthy spell that rips open a tear in reality, causing a massive rift to an unknown plane of existence appear in the center of the volcano. On the other side of the rift could be seen an immense head of a leathery, bat like creature. The creature was huge, dwarfing the Dragon that seconds ago seemed to be the largest thing in creation.


Just as the creature’s attention had been drawn by the rift, Morrowdorn tossed Kivan the bundle he had been carrying, and dived off the ledge into the active volcano, leaving the players alone with the dragon. As he entered the rift, they both disappeared after a howling vortex of wind was sucked into the rip in space time.

A desperate scuffle to flee took place for most of the party, heading for the door as the Dragon turned their way. Finn, unaware of this, his vision blocked by a giant pile of silver, continued shoveling. The party was lucky enough to avoid further death, before their sand timers finally expired, and they *popped! * away, teleporting into what turned out to be Morrowdorn’s Antechamber, where he was standing, his robes smoking.

The party had stolen 6,710gp in value, their take being 1675.

As the players left Morrowdorn’s tower, they overheard him talking to seemingly no one “…meet me at Mount Celestial, we need to talk to the Watcher”

Session Recap – Erford Campaign #5 – Pirates & Port Pardue – 1154 NR

Port Pardue

The PCs arrived in Port Pardue, just ahead of the refugees from the north. Oromis headed over to the local Temple of Sileast to pray while the rest of the party ventured to the sole private vessel in port.

Suddenly, out of nowhere in the mid-afternoon on the 6th day of travel, the arm of a Kraken slams in the vessel. Rug and Finn react immediately, damaging the arm, yet Rug quickly realized and called out that the arm didn’t bleed when wounded.

Initially the thought was that the Kraken was an undead being, however Finn happened to have the wisdom to check behind him before engaging the Kraken’s arm, and noticed the presence of a strange wizard and some armed individuals emerging onto the aft-deck.

Unprepared, the pirates engaged some of the crew, before the party routed them quickly. Our swashbucklers fled to their smaller vessels below, before sailing for the southern coast just visible on the horizon.