Karandar left Santhur a week after Nagarazz’s fall, heading south-east to Kervic, a town who has contacted the legion for assistance.
===== Chapter #1 – Session #1 =====
Arriving, he found the town’s keep to have been morphed into some weird, living mass of vines that had integrated itself into the keeps walls. Dealing with the Druid in charge, Karandar noticed some references to ‘his master to the north’ implying some form of Over Druid in Kithloth’s Revenge, before dealing with the druid (swordily) and having Sal cleanse the building with another fireball (having snuck into the keep invisibly before unloading a fireball in the druids rear as the combat started.
The Town Council’s remaining three members have petitioned to join the Holdings with Karandar’s backing, and have a small detachment of the Nestorian Guard in residence during the war with Relast.
3 weeks to the south and west, they enter the quarry at Ioa, just as the wizard Tolarian drops in, taking the party to a small wood just south-west of Tabalian. Moving in, Karandar’s Company of 350 (Ist Legion) ambushed forces of the River Guard twice, before hitting back and moving in to hold the west back of the river against ~3800 River Guard.
They fought til the night fell, Karandar taking personal command multiple times to hold the line as the Magus of the River tried all kinds of tricks to break their defense. A timely summoning of a Giant Octopi into the river was a sight to be seen, and the beast still plagues the town to this day. In the end, night fell and the Guard fell back.
The next morning they found the level of the river had dropped. Investigating, Sal found the Magus manipulating the river upstream. Hitting him with no warning, she killed the 3rd Magus of the River, Defender of the Flows, Bearer of Shalin, and took control of the river, sending the massive amount of water east instead of west with a wall of earth. The water smashed the town of Tabalian, breaking buildings and wiping out the garrisoned guard forces, who promptly quit the field and headed south with all haste.
=====Chapter #1 – Session #2 =====
Midway Post was the next stop on their journey, finding a new companion in the (terrible and ineffective) card thief, Timble Softpaw. Many hijinks ensued in the Inn, including a devilish Aledrake, A Bearfolk who just wanted to be left in peace, and an Alcoholic* Storm Dwarf Runelord who had a map to give to his new drinking buddies. Guards recognized Karandar, but the situation was dealt with, with a suave set of words and some terrible (am I noticing a trend on this rogue ?) dagger-play from Timble.
Tangor’s Outpost was another week south, a town populated with some seriously strange people, who the group quickly figured out to be tired beyond all means. Keeping watch from some crazy earth bunker Sal made, the players quickly noticed that as soon as the whole town’s populace went to sleep, they came out to work at the strange Sawmill Timble had been scouting out earlier. As they watched, some wagons crewed by Orcs rolled up to the loading docks and the sleeping townsfolk started loading lumber.
Moving in, the Heroes wiped out the orcs almost immediately, before heading into the Administration building and setting off the Horror of Hadar trap. Sal gale-forced herself out of the area, while Karandar fought through and engaged the (quasi)Warlock in the circle of power below, who was mid-conversation with the Blood God of the Wastes. The Blood God abandoned his follower to die, and Karandar chose his fate swiftly.
He was visited by Kellok a few times, before being sent to Terranc’s Warren to assist Oromis in freeing the grace of Terranc.
===Dreaming of Kellok ===
Kellok appears to Karandar in his dreams. The juggernaut appears a giant human shaped flamed being, formed into a set of shining plate armor with a large symbol embossed on the front in Red. Arcana DC 12 = the symbol of the Enviromental Elements, sixteen balls, 4 each of fire wind earth and water circling one large grey orb. The smybol is located on his breast, on the right side.
He honours Karandar for his service, commending him on his efforts to push all inferior beings into following his way. Intimidation is greatest strength of the Inferno, and should be used to his advantage at all times.
He is here to gauge Karandar’s mettle, and likes what he sees, foreseeing a lot of potential greatness in the man. He can also feel a linkage from him to the Blood God of the Wastes that will need to be investigated further. He warns that the Helm and Arms are independent, yet will work together to try and reclaim the breastplate, and the Barbaran should be wary.
He tells Karandar that on the eve of the morrow’s morrow, he will be needing his services, as he can feel powers gathering for the spring solstice.
He fades, whispering the primary prayer of the church “Fire Conquers” and so fades the dream.
With his gods aura sticking around him like a cloyingly sweet smell, Karandar has an advantage to Intimidation checks until the next session.
===Afterwards ===
A few small events happened on the trail, including meeting some Dwimmer merchants who were very interested in Dvoik’s tale. The dwimmer grow a little quite, trading glances before one gently asks “Have you seen our brother? Do you know where he is?”, the answer only seems to sadden them, sharing several glances of unknown meaning before they cheer back up and start baking some travel bread in the coals (or a soup of its early).
They part ways pleasantly, giving Karanndar them a 2d8+8 Healing Potion for their travels, and naming them both Dwimmer Friend, Karandar for his service to Dvoik, Sal just because she is a warden and they are linked to Dwarves in a special way, and because bother of them quest for Skyshaft. They are told to contact the Dwim if they are ever in need, and they will come.
later, NIS agents drop in with a supply drop / gossip session from Nestorian IInd Legion and Faen (Warlock of Ice). The Party ended their immediate time on the road, with a rest in Caer Cloznia to recover and re-supply.
- Long life Food and Water for 3 for 3 weeks (most of the bulk)
- Whetstones and oil and basic supplies like rope and such.
- 3x healing potions, 4d8 + 6
- 3x Scroll of Cure Wounds @ Level 4, signed by Graffhand
- A Wand of Godly Benefits, 5 charges, also signed by Graffhand – 1CHg = Bless – 2Chgs = Find Traps, Detect Magic – 3Chgs Cure Wounds Lvl 2. Regains 1 charge per day, unless underground in which it regains 3. On 0 Charges, 80% chance destroyed
- 50gp.
===== Chapter #1 – Session #3 =====
A week later tour Heroes set out bravely set out for the beleaguered dwarves of Skyshaft. In the forest they faced many challenges, including a herd of Black Wyrmlings, and a pair of trolls. Not all was bad, with a visit to a High-Elven outpost resulting a parallel quest to steal a ring from the Orc Warboss.
They arrived at the mountains and made way for Karak Sanbell, the first stop on the way to Skyshaft. As they entered, Timble scouted out some goblins, and had 2 rounds of spectacular style combat (5 confirmed kills) before they surrendered. The goblins led the players back to their master, Blacktooth (who is the only person to give the Orc Warboss a permanent wound so far), who negotiated with Karandar to work on a deal with the Dwarves to let the goblins keep the mountain they’re in, in exchange for attacking the Orcs from above.