======Voting Items======
- Expansion of the Legion(s)
- Port Parda Fish Farm expansion
- Reduction of Nestor Guard presense in Clouda
=====Expansion of the Legion(s)=====
Barons [[Graffhand]] and [[Morrowdorn]] have proposed to the Court that for the nessecary defense of the city and protectorates of Nestor, a second Legion of 5000 men and women should be raised.
The Lord Council has already garunteed the funds to raise the legion and their equipment via the coffers of the Lord Council and a contract of bulk manufacture from the [[Dwarves | Dwimmerfolk]].
====Points of Consideration====
===For ===
- The First Legion is fully commited in Santhur, and the use of a second legion would signifcantly increase the effectivness of our forces in the area.
- Reduced use of the guard as a militant force when required
- Securing the border with thh [[Forest of Uni]] against increasinly frequent Hobgoblin raids.
- Cost. The first legion costs 7,000gp per month to the city, and it would be expected that the second follows suit. While those funds are currently availible, they could be used elsewhere for more contructive purposes.
- Diplomatic relations with [[Relast]] are already strained, in part due to the raising of the first legion and the push south into Santhur. Raising of another legion may lend further strain upon the situation.
====Port Parda Fish Farm Expansion=====
With the outstanding success of the then experimental Fish Farms at Port Parda, a request is made for 10,000gp of city funds to expand the farms by a further 30%. Expected revenure from the expansion is estimated to be in excess of (7-800gb) a month, combined with the stability of a more diverse consistant food supply for the region.
=====Reduction of Nestor Guard presense in Clouda=====
The Nestorian Guard has requested the reduction of the guard presence in the town of Clouda. Currently 250 guards are stationed there, origionally to assist during the inital conflict with Santhur, however as the legion pushes further south the requirement has decreased.
The Ambassadors of the Guard have requested the total number of the guard station in Clouda be reduced to 100, which is still a significant improvment on the origional 15 guardsmen that were stationed there before the conflict.