Session Recap – Imperial Campaign #1 – Antaract Goblins – 1154 NR

==== Other Characters ====

==== Opening ====

Dvoik sizes the player up and down,

“So this is what Graff sent me to work with? It’ll do for now.”


“Come along, we have a detour to make, just don’t tell Graff about it.” and starts walking down the Cassiopean Way to the west. Any attempt to converse with the Dwarf results in nothing more than a few grunts and fairly non-commital answers.

DC 15 Perception to Detect that it feels as though it’s more due to you being an unknown than him not liking you.

*After several hours, you come to, well, nothing of interest really. The road has slowly curved to the south, leaving the side of the rive and now with a think cluster of woods to your north, and the plains of Antaract continuing to the south.
The only reason you feel any need to stop is that the Dvoik is sniffing the air around the trees and making a growling noise in the back of his throat.

“I thought this was the place! There are Goblin-kin somewhere in the wood Rager, I noted it a few times I’ve passed this way, and today we’re going to do something about it.”

You follow Dvoik and his noise through the wood for around 100-150 meters, before he stops and kneels, moving grass away from a dismal little hole in the ground, half a meter across at it’s narrowest point, up to about 1.5m wide.

Looking back at you, Dvoik says “This smells like the place, Goblin with a hint of Hob. I’ll go first, and shock them, you follow up to the rear and get the rest!” and with that, he jumps into the hole.

Before you can finish your breath you hear a crunch from around 20 feet down, followed by what was probably something in Goblin, before a second, nmuch louder crunch sounds from below.


==== 1st Room ====

2 dead goblins, one clearly landed upon, the others head was seperated horizontally rooughly at eye level, with the remains of grey matter leaking out of the remnants.

Around you is crumbling stone walls, from a time long past, showing dirt and earth falling through from behind. The room doesnt seem to be used for anything in particular, and it seems like these two goblins just happened to be in the wrong place at the worst possible time.

You are standing in a puddle of stagnant water, that has probably fallen through the hole above to settle, leaving a strong smell of Mold and Mildew, with the room illuminated by a solitary torch on the wall.

There are 2 doors in the room,

“Did you at least tie a rope to something?” Dvoik – 25XP if yes.

Before: “I’m going to try this door, you grab the other, and meet back here if you get in trouble! You can keep the torch if you need it”

====The Door====

The door in front of you doesnt seem to be particularly well built, consisting of a few sturdy boards nailed to some cross beams, with a very basic knob with a keyhole in it. The door knob looks to be in better shape than the door itself, ironically.

  • DC 10 STR to Break – 25XP
  • DC 18 Dex (Sl of H) to Unlock. – 100XP

If the handle is tried first, all enemies beyond are waiting for you.

==== 2nd Room ====

as you enter the next room, there are a series of poorly made, messily kept beds ranking the walls to the left and right of you.

If Tried Handle

The Goblins are waiting for you, having heard someone trying the door unsuccessfully, and the player will be surprised, but only by the archer who gets off a shot with a -2 to the Hit roll due to nerves.

If didnt try

Player has surprise on the goblins. Ruh roh.

3x Goblins, 1 as an Archer (who will flee as the first gob dies or the 2nd/3rd turn occurs)

as the battle progresses, the Archer will flee @ round 2, and if the fight continues in round 4, so will the other goblins.

==== Hallway ====

As you open the door, the hallway leads forward about 20 feet, before turning right and continuing for another 50 or so feet.

The floor of the hallway is a mess of cracked cobblestones, jutting out of the floor at odd angles, making it very difficult to run (DC12 Agility – or 1d4-1 piercing) across without knowing the hallway, leading to the Goblins pulling away from the Player if they are in pursuit.

To the left is a small passway, leading to a larger than normal door.

There are two traps, both at knee height, and both are 2 feet from the turns in the passageway. The Traps are strungly with extremely fresh silk, almost goopy to the touch, almost giving it away as light glints onto the uneven strands.

Both Traps do 1d4 damage (single shot pressurized dart tube, if inspected it’s clearly from some alchemists wares).

To Detect: DC12 Investigate or DC15 Passive Perception (25XP ea)
To Disarm: DC5 Agilty to disarm. (25XP ea)

==== Hobgoblin Bedroom ====

The door opens as you try it, within is a couple of beds, much larger than in the previous room. These look to be the remains that may have been dragged back from a raid on a nearby village.

a Hobgoblin, sitting on a bed to your left oiling it’s sword, slightly concealed by the door so you dont see it as the door swings open, that leaps to its feat and engages you.

Inspecting the room afterwards turns up a potion of healing. (2d4+2)

==== The Hall ====

2 Gobs

  • Flee(ing) Goblins
  • A goblin boss, doing either:

If Goblin escaped, Ordering his 3 minions into position, as the Player enters, all four open fire.

If not, exhorting his minions in Goblin, gesturing wildy with a milky glass orb in one hand.

Goblin Boss flees as the last goblin goes down, or Half health, or The fights going too long.

==== The Cave ====

DC20 Perception to see it on the roof of the Cave.

As you enter the cave, you see the Goblin boss disapearing through the opposite entrance, and you swear you might have heard a cackling.

You find yourself in a mess. Webbed bodies span the room, some goblin-oid, some Human, and one that looks suspiciously like a hobgoblin, and it looks like it put up one hell of the fight.

Spider Swarm, erupts on the Player, immune to weapon damage.
Dvoik emerges from an entrance, yells something in Dwarfish (per DC 20, something about Spiders), and slams his axe against you sideways (using the flat side, squashing the spiders below, with the rest scurrying away.

A primal scream erupts from above you, and a spear of Web smashes in Dvoike, throwing him against the opposite wall and immobilizing him in the web.

As the player looks up, down looks a giant spider back at you.

*Loot in the Room: A bag of Holding, hidden on the Hobgoblin’s corpse.
*2 Potions: Greater Healing, and Water Breathing DC15 Perception that one of the Goblins had a bulge signifying a pack.

==== The Dock ====

There is a mooring, but any boat is long gone, along with its occupant.

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