Session Date: 12th July, 2024
Attendees: Senko (BD), Parallax (HW), Kangrog (JW)
Town Description
Little more than ten buildings in total, Rizden is nothing more than a few houses that have sprung up next to a traders stop along a major roadway.`
Frequented by no one other than the transient and transitioner, the locals are aware of world events outside of their local region, hearing many things from many mouths in passing, and might know a thing or two, if one were to ask…
The party approached the town, and chose to visit the Inn first.
An Alehouse Drake was chained up outside, not showing any visible issues, other than a sign that read “Do Not Feed”
Senko managed to pat said Drake, and also getting his hand back just in time to get away without a scratch
(The sign would continue to frustrate and drive all actions of the party until such time as the Alehouse Drake would be fed)
Went inside the Inn to meet the folk:
Is sitting by the fire, casually trimming his nails with a ridiculously large knife, and humming an ancient long forgotten melody of Mekkia
- Gave 200gp to each player for the Ankheg shells.
- This has been retconned into a Stone Bank account for each player
- We will do the setup process when in town
Kangrog has purchased a Keg of Oskar‘s Booze for 50gp
- Oskar is a Brewmaster of Skyshaft, travelling the lands selling his wares.
- Drank 4(of 20 max)
- Before selling it to the Demon Slurg.-12cp for Ale drinks-10 sp for broken stool after the effects of Oskar’s booze wore off.Tossed 1 gp for Well
The drunk thief approaches the poor child (Purn)
A small human child, maybe 8-9 years of age, that is drinking casually from a wineglass at the bar.
She is a Artificer from the Pirtarvan Duchy, passing through on her way south, seeking the possible help with her reversed age mishap from the Elven Sorcerers in the Ancient Realms of Selendar
- Finds out about her mishap, de-aging too far in an experiment.Found out about the Thassian – Nestorian Conflict in Relast.
- Told them about the Activity in Morvail.
- Offers to Enchant Weapons for 500gp
Kangrog spoke to Inga
Ancient and wizened, she is potentially either short or tall of frame, but it’s hard to say with how stooped and bent over she is.
- She cast Lesser Restoration on him in passing
- Told him about a Wizard that might have work for them in town
Baelor asked Parrallax if he was Rogal.
Rust and Revlor are headed home
- Revlor has lost his sword.
- They’re going a very long way to avoid the Undead activity to the north.
- When asked about it, Rust said the Smith wasnt home when he visited.
The Party leaves and heads over to see Gelpdor the Grand, Star Alchmemist
The Tower Belongs to Gelpdor the Grand, Star Alchemist
A sweet little wizend old gnome, wearing a pink shirt and bright blue pants.
A Registered Alchemist of the Guild of Nestor, he is quick to tell anyone.
Talks a lot about stars and Mani-Spheres, and Magnetti-Spheres and it’s all very confusing.
- He had a quest for Roatating Soil, which was really just summinga huge Ankheg to do the work for him.
- They rotated the crops and got 10gp and 333XP each
- Asked and found out who Rogal is – The Blacksmith who goes by “BlackThumb” in town.
Back to Inn
- Lunch for all – 10cp each.
- They also found out that the Alehouse Drake is just a lil’ fatty on a diet
Back to Inn
- Lunch for all – 10cp each.
- They also found out that the Alehouse Drake is just a lil’ fatty on a diet
Heading to the Blacksmiths, Blackthumb’s Roadside Repairs they find it unoccupied.
- As they go to leave, from the empty building noises of furniture moving can be heard.
- Blackthumb comes out, sells some weapon Sharepening, and a Stave to Parallax.
- Kangrog – had Axe Sharpened = -5s (+1 dmg next combat)
- Senko= – 1gp Rapier, 2x Daggers > Each with +1 Damage in next combat
- Parallax = – 5 sp for a Staff purchased.
They head over to a Demonically Inhabited Tree that has been given suss vibes to the spellcasters in town.
- There they meet a sweet little demon named Slurg who offers to give them the location of Tangor in exchange for a soul.
- They trick Slurg into giving away that he wants to use the soul to gain his freedom.
- Instead, after a while of bantering and bickering, Slurg makes a deal with Kangrog:
“All his money, the Magical Beer, and his next magic item” for 1d6 Fire Damage on Kangrog’s current great axe. - Gelpdor gives them 10gp each and a pat on the head for getting rid of the demon, and tells them to seek Xenth for help with finding Tangor in time.
The Thassian Spies
After the party figured out something was up with Baelor and the Blacksmith, they kept a watch.
- Baelor was watched, dropping his packet of letters in the Coal bin at Rogal Blackthumb’s.
- Senko stealthed in, then tripped, knocking over the coal bin.
- Parallax, seeing this from the Inn window, unleased Kangrog upon the unsuspecting peace and quiet of the inn, creating a distraction to cover the noise.
- Senko stole the packet, snuck off to read it, finding it to be in code.
- He then B&E’d the blacksmith’s house, searched and found the trap door
- (But not the password on the paper, as no one would until too late)
- Went downstairs, with the Party in tow
- Rogal having seen them go, follows and watches from afar.
- They set off the trap, falling for the lure-tripline and missing the actual stone due to some shitty rolls.
- Senko dives from the Boulder, but has his ankle crushed
- Parallax runs too fast, so he gets up the ladder quicker, Kangrog does the same, but with 5ft to spare, Parallax getting him up the ladder with an assist.
- They turn to find Rogal behind them, Kangrog sets his axe on fire and threatens him, and he runs off into the night.
- Later, Baelor cannot be found either.
Meanwhile, Senko, on his own, opens the Cipher on the Altar, having an exchange with the person on the other side of the book:
– Them: What News do you Bring?
– S: [Cant remember, trying to guess the situation]
– T: What News do you bring?
– S: [cant remember, was about the packet of info]
– T: Initiation Phrase?
– S: Wait, there are people in the tunnel
– **Book burns to ash.**
Session Ended There
- 866XP Each
- 100 – Demon
- 333 – Soil Rotation
- 100 – Discovered the Spy
- 333 – Found the Cipher
- 866XP Each