Quick recap
- Found an Eldritch Horror at the bottom of a lake
- Negotiated a deal with a Spider Queen
- Met the Gardener
- Dodged 8 traps (could have been nine @-B- the Broken
- Our new Rogue (Nameless?) stealh killed some Skeles,
- Tangor heard voices and found a Potion of Stone Giant Strength
- The encounter with Buv’Kah and the Crystal, resulting in the
- Dramatic as hell Lightning Breath take down. +1 Inspiration for that btw
Items Found
The Cabinet on the Wall
Contains a number of magical treatises, notable entries among them are:
- Annitola’s Treatise of Spell Vortices and Why They Are BAD
- Rincewind’s Exploration of Matter Confluence Lines in the Realms of the Confederacy
- Shorewalker, by Verd of Cantos
- Absences of Light, Morrowdorn
There are also several magical scrolls,
- Speak with Dead (x2)
- Agrannazar’s Scorcher
- Protection from Good / Evil
A Journal, with “Ërinthotle” printed on the front in gold.
The first page reads: Notes on Chaos Crystals:
One ever touch them, they erode your own connection to the material plane, and if physically connected to anything living will quickly cause it jump out of phase with our universes aura.
Beyond that, there are a number of notes about how to use these crystals to summon undead from the space between the planes of reality and information on creatures that had fallen outside somehow.
However further on is far more insidious writings, or drawing forth the beasts that naturally inhabit those realms, bringing the eldritch nightmare forth into the prime plane, placing stress on Sen. There it breaks of, with the final entry hastily scrawled
"Five complete, two to go. Soon Master, so very soon."