Port Pardue
The PCs arrived in Port Pardue, just ahead of the refugees from the north. Oromis headed over to the local Temple of Sileast to pray while the rest of the party ventured to the sole private vessel in port.
Suddenly, out of nowhere in the mid-afternoon on the 6th day of travel, the arm of a Kraken slams in the vessel. Rug and Finn react immediately, damaging the arm, yet Rug quickly realized and called out that the arm didn’t bleed when wounded.
Initially the thought was that the Kraken was an undead being, however Finn happened to have the wisdom to check behind him before engaging the Kraken’s arm, and noticed the presence of a strange wizard and some armed individuals emerging onto the aft-deck.
Unprepared, the pirates engaged some of the crew, before the party routed them quickly. Our swashbucklers fled to their smaller vessels below, before sailing for the southern coast just visible on the horizon.