Session Recap – Erford Campaign #2 – Gnoll Infestation – 1154 NR

The party had a brief interaction with the wizard Striker, right before the teleportation stream was intercepted and forcibly halted in transit.

Erik was snatched away during the interruption by Uzziel and Azzanan.

The party emerged onto the ground in front of a priest Paponi, who had been praying for salvation and assistance to help save a young female elf he had seen captured and taken into the tower earlier that morning. Next to Paponi stood O (find name!), a Hill Dwarf War Cleric of the Blood Stones, on a mission to west to find converts to the Faith of Tarrank, the Agent of Change and Lord of the Dawn.

The party agreed to assist the priest and assaulted the tower, first with Finn stealthily assassinating a Gnoll affected with dysentery out the front of the tower, ending her misery. They then entered the tower, finding sleeping Gnolls and one attempting to enact weapon repair by the stairwell. They proceeded to immediately slaughter as many Gnolls as they could in their sleep, without making any contact or demands to Gnolls at all. Diplomacy was in fact thrown out the window completely.

The party cleared the room, nosily at the end, and leaped down to the bottom floor, guessing that the prison would be below. Their guess correct, and confronted with the tribe leader, his shaman, and the jail keeper, they immediately engage in combat, trying to take the shaman down.

Saureek Crazy Eye (Shaman), gets off a few nice blows, including a flaming sphere over most of the party. Things got tense as Paponi was downed by the Jailkeeper, and Koth BiterWielder (the Tribe Leader) jumped into the center of the party and started swinging his axe around wildly, connecting with multiple members.

The party fought it’s way back, with Kivan and Finn silencing the Shaman finally, Rug dropping Koth and O having some epic encounters holding the rear at the top of the stairs with his glaive and sacred flames.

The party rescued [[NPC – Iris Tardin]] and an unconscious [[NPC – Striker]], and found some scrolls and a wand, that were put in O’s pack in the hurry out.

On the way out, Finn provided covering fire of the marksmen on the tower, while O had a quick check upstairs, snapping off a crossbow bolt into the Gnoll sleeping chamber, striking one of the hiding Gnolls and ducking away.

The party then accompanied Iris and Paponi as they headed south to Erford.

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