It is 1233 NR,
It’s been almost a century since the Nestorian empire was founded (by players),
and about twenty since the pyro-sorcerer Barakas cataclysmically detonated the Dwimmerhome caldera.
Decades of ash clouds and the actions of a petulant ice god have caused mass devastation across the continent, and the current generation(s) know nothing but misery.
Yet, this year the snows were white!
And as comes spring, so comes flowers and grass,
the land finally returns to health.
But some will be quick to take advantage.
Heroes will also be needed.
Empty dwellings are common, especially outside of the towns,
Goblins prey on roadways they once guarded,
the Undead rise around Morvail once again,
Slerikek stirs beneath his sands,
Dr’Ang is still contested, the throne unoccupied,
Thassians probe at the empire’s borders,
Maresian’s speak of Orc hordes roaming the Mardak,
and rumors tell of Emerald armies gathering to the east…
The next Convergence is coming…
We’ve had the Early Imperial Era, and it was big, high-leveled, bombastic, and had huge fights with armies slamming into each other at our behest.
We caused the Era of Elementals, by pissing off a couple gods, interdimensional beings, some trolls, a whole continent.
You know, an average Tuesday for this party.
Lets see what we get this time.
The Creation Myth
First, there was Chaos.
Then Order spawned itself,
and really just generally screwed the whole thing up
(at least as far as Chaos was concerned).
Order and Chaos proceeded to war across the stars,
Primarchs and Revenants destroying world after world,
Before finally Sen, last of the Primachs of Order, sprung his trap.
Using 7 specially crafted spears,
each being forged from a planets core,
Sen trapped Chaos.
Suddenly pinned, all her energies slunk into a single place in both time and space,
Bound within Sen’s Will and Intent, Chaos and Order merged,
forming a singular, linear time stream in the form of the Vortex.
To protect this Vortex of Order from intrusion or rescue attempts,
Sen, ever the dramatic, melted another planet and forged a shell around the Vortex.
A whole lot of time has passed since,
and now we know that shell,
as Sentretta.
Those Who Came Before
This land is riddled with ruined keeps, shattered cities, and the whispered dreams of failed empires.
Where’d they all come from though? And where’d all the people go?
Let’s start with the former, have you heard of Mekk?
No? Ugh. Fiiine.
So there were numerous civilizations before them, but eventually a very loose collection of cities formed the state of Mekk.
Mekk was a pretty cool place. Dragons, Trolls and Giants living across a continent in harmony, creating technical wonders and magical masterpieces to leave behind for plucky adventurers when their time came.
So, where did they go?
It’s… complicated?
Well, ok, it’s not really that complicated,
there was this guy, who figured out how to, uh…
Yeah, look, if I give details some nut-job of a player is going to try and do it again.
*cough* Looking at you, John *cough*
Let’s just say some dude harnessed the powers of creation to turn himself into an Arch Lich.
For years, ever increasing hordes of brutal, uncaring warriors would move against the world of the living,
subjugating and burning everywhere they went, until a vast Empire ruled in nearly every land on the continent.
The Era of the First Empire, had begun.
Age of Undeath
So, I think it can go without saying, but this really was not a good time for the people of the planet.
No one wants to read about undead hordes over running empires of ancient Dragons and Giants and stuff, it’s boring.
800 odd years of hell. Pure Hell. But eventually the living won through, led by two people, Telem, and Ellenvord.
The Empire was over run, the Arch Lich was gone, and almost everyone was dead.
Time to rebuild, I guess.
That would have sucked.